
Sunday, August 31, 2014

August Vignettes

Can you believe August is over? What the heck?! I feel like it was literally just July! I really hope that this was a great month for y’all! I know a lot of exciting things happened: moving in, rush week, the first day of school! I can’t wait to hear all about it in the comments! 

Here is what my August looked like…

…on Organized Charm:

August is all about fresh starts and reorganization! 


We reached a checkpoint for those goals we set back in January
How was your goal checkup?!


School supply season is here!


And Organized Charm celebrated it’s first birthday!


And obviously, we couldn’t head back to school without a checklist being involved...


Finally, for every SmartBook that we order, McGraw-Hill is donating a textbook to a child in a developing country! So keep that in mind as you search for your required texts!
{also, you don’t have to wait for a SmartBook to ship AND mine was only $45!}


…in my “real life”:

I made the amazing discovery that I live ONE block away from a local candle shop
{Which is good for me but slightly dangerous for my bank account. Okay, it’s really dangerous.}


I started teaching at my new school and I have to say that I just love it so far! Even better? Our logo is an anchor! Obviously, I’ll now have an excuse to buy need to buy anchor jewelry, anchor pants, anchor shirts, anchor shoes… 


Our new home is really, really coming along. I am now one closet and one cabinet away from having it completely organized! 


My brother graduated Cum Laude from the University of Memphis, so we were all super proud! 
{and yes, this is what he wore TO graduation… after I practically had to force him to go. *sigh*}


And lots and lots of planning happened! 
{it doesn’t count if you don’t photograph it, right?}


 …other places online:

I can never pass up a good personality test, and the Who Am I? quiz from Visual DNA is a really cool one! It measures your levels of “The Big 5” personality traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Agreeableness. Best of all? You’re choosing your answers from photos! 


This article from BuzzFeed was whirling around my Facebook Newsfeed last week, so I checked it out. Oh my gosh. I downloaded almost every one of these apps! Definitely worth checking out! 

Have you been to Good.Co and taken their quizzes yet? They recently added even more in-depth personality analyses to determine how you work and which types of jobs are perfect fits for you! 
{I always, always get teacher!}

Pandora has created an entire genre of Back to School music! And I am so happy about it!


And here is some motivation for the new month:




How was your August?! 
How was your first week of class?
If you moved, are you still getting settled in? 

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