
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Post-It Assignment Book

So, I've talked before about how I write down my study plan in my planner's daily view section.
That’s how I start my work each week. 

Well, here is how I actually finish that work each week 

...And, of course, it involves Post-It's :) 

I have a small notebook that I use specifically for staying on track with assignments. 

In it, I take a page and divide it into 6 tiny Post-It-sized boxes. 
This is my week. 

Then I break down the tiny tasks that I need to complete to finish my assignments.
(Things like: “cite sources”; “print copies”; “research”)

This helps me keep up with all of those small tasks that aren’t quite important enough to make it into a planner. 

This also really helps me with time management. 
Each day, I devote 90 minutes to accomplishing these tasks. 

If I don't get to/finish a specific task, I just add it to the next day's list. 

The Post-It’s are helpful for two reasons:

1. They help me see what needs to be done every day to complete projects.
2. They make it super easy for me to change things around if I need to. 

(Okay, three reasons)

3. They make me happy. 

Don't forget that day "off" to tie up loose ends, finalize projects, and just feel like a normal human being for a day :) 

What ways do you use to keep your small tasks organized?! 


  1. Love this idea! I am trying it today!

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