
Friday, August 23, 2013

Trending: Welcome to OC

Organized Charm.
I am so glad to finally have a place to put all of those (thousands of) random photos I take daily.
I love organization, productivity, efficiency, time management, and planning.
And now I have a way to organize all my loves. 

 Birthdays, galore. 
I feel like everyone I know was born in August… 
which is fine with me, since it is the perfect month for celebrating! 
Warm weather, no tuition, summer cocktails, and cute dresses?
Yes, please! 

We have painted nearly every room in our entire house white.
It is feeling so much bigger, brighter, cleaner… 
and we definitely need all the help we can get!

Social Media Science
Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of research on the best times to post things where. 
Here is a list of what I learned are the Instagram filters that garner the most “likes” 
(in case you’re nerdy enough to care about things like this… like I am):

1. Hefe
2. X-ProII
3. Lomo-Fi
4. Normal
5. Earlybird
6. Rise
7. Valencia
8. Amaro
9. Brannan
10. Hudson

Aside from pink, turquoise is the color that makes me the happiest!
We spray painted these hand-me-down chairs that we inherited from D’s old roommates.
I love this color SO much! 

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